Everyone can get a job they love. Some people just get lucky and find it earlier in life. For those who haven’t found it yet, don’t stop trying! Actually ENJOYING your job can make a MASSIVE difference in your everyday happiness. The waiting process can be hard, and what you do during that time can…
Annual Business Checkup – 3 Areas to Focus on for Long-Term Success
It’s easy for business owners, especially small business owners, to spend too much time working in your business instead of on your business. A lot of business slow down in the beginning of the year as bigger clients may still be allocating budgets and consumers are still…
Read More » Annual Business Checkup – 3 Areas to Focus on for Long-Term Success8 Lessons Learned from 13 years of Running My Own Companies
The Mindset you need to grow a successful company
Growing a successful company is all about mindset, and the difference between successful and failed business owners is often their mindset about money. Money isn’t a dirty word. It’s the lifeblood of any business. Any business not focused on actually making money is destined to fail. Even in creative fields, people need to
Read More » The Mindset you need to grow a successful companyWhy Boredom is a Catalyst for Creativity
These days it’s much harder to get bored. If you’re within reach of a cell phone tower, it’s damn near impossible. Netflix, Spotify, Instagram, games, new sites… the list goes on an on. It’s far too easy to satiate ourselves with anything we want – and that’s bad… but not for the reasons you normally…