See More in Our YouTube Video This is the second JW Marriott we’ve stayed at, and we had a fantastic time. The last one we stayed at was in downtown Austin, TX, and it had an ultra lux, modern feel. This one was different. It was designed as a resort and spa, and they did it well….
How To Make Date Night Better – Try Ridesharing
If you have kids and you aren’t having date nights – it’s time to start. Before having kids, my wife and I were much more spontaneous. We didn’t need date nights, because they would naturally happen all the time. We still have our impromptu nights out, but date nights make sure that even when we’ve…
How to Fly with a Toddler
Before flying with my son Noah for the first time, I was a bit concerned. I’ve witnessed screaming and kicking kids on flight – and their mortified parents. It’s uncomfortable for everyone, and I wasn’t going to let that be me. It took us a few times to get it right, but we’ve found a…
Growing Up On a Lake
I spent my childhood in Columbus, Indiana with a population of only 40,000 people. After spending the previous 10 years in much larger cities, I’ve had time to see the benefits and disadvantages of growing up in a small town. Now that I have a son, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how…
6 Ways We Keep a Happy Marriage
Ok, so this post is a little more personal than I would normally get, but I feel extremely fortunate to have such a great relationship with my wife, so I wanted to share some of the way’s we’ve been able to keep each other so happy. Every relationship is different, so all of these may…