Sponsored by Hush Puppies If there’s one thing I’ve learned you need to be successful with a new business, it’s the ability to do many things. It’s not even the ability to do all of them particularly well, just the willingness to learn them. For example, when I started the business that became MrDelivery.com,…
Business Tips
Good Business Basics are the Key to Success
One of my biggest struggles in business is doing the basics well. I’m not talking about the basics such as managing people effectively, making sure the business is making money, etc.. I’m talking about the repetitive basic tasks unique to each genre of business that are necessary for it to be very successful. For example:…
How to Be Invaluable in Business
There are two types of people you come into contact with at work: those that point out problems, and those that fix them. Can you guess which is more pleasant to work with… and because of that will rise through the ranks? This may seem like common sense, but I’ve seen the same mistake made…
Top 5 Business Apps for iPhone
There are a ton of fantastic business apps out there, but with everyone building an app these days, it can be time consuming to sort through them. I use a lot of different apps on a daily basis for our businesses, so I’ve created a list of the top 8 business apps I’ve found that…
You Should Start Before You’re Ready
Many times the biggest obstacle standing in your way is you. Lots of people have a great ideas, but for one reason or another they never turn into anything. They think about it, they plan, they talk about it, but they never take action. Here’s what I’ve learned it takes to turn your idea into…