Whether it’s time to relax after a stressful afternoon, or you’re in the 2:30 PM slump and need some extra energy to finish out the day, good music can make all the difference. The earbuds that come with your phone can work in a pinch, but they’re sorely lacking when it comes to lots of…
Top 3 Tech Items To Help New Parents to Get More Sleep
Technology has made most aspects of life better, so why not parenting? I didn’t put a lot of thought into how I could make being a dad easier until I was knee deep in it. Now that it’s been a couple weeks since my second kid was born, I thought I could help some other…
Realize The True Value of Your Time
Most people will tell you they wished what they knew what they know now 10 years ago. The funny thing is that many of the lessons we learn later in life, were told to us when we were younger, but for one reason or another, we just didn’t take them to heart. One of the…
You’ll Wear Multiple Hats if You Own Your Own Business – & that’s a good thing!
Sponsored by Hush Puppies If there’s one thing I’ve learned you need to be successful with a new business, it’s the ability to do many things. It’s not even the ability to do all of them particularly well, just the willingness to learn them. For example, when I started the business that became MrDelivery.com,…
Good Business Basics are the Key to Success
One of my biggest struggles in business is doing the basics well. I’m not talking about the basics such as managing people effectively, making sure the business is making money, etc.. I’m talking about the repetitive basic tasks unique to each genre of business that are necessary for it to be very successful. For example:…