We’re trained from a young age that you’re supposed to seek out money. Many of the things I wanted at a young age were possible only with money. I wanted new toys, a nice car when I turned 16, and the “cool” clothes. I grew up thinking that money was the ultimate goal as I…
Why I Decided to Live in Austin, Texas
I live in Austin, Texas, and it’s not by accident. My wife and I lived in 7 different cities in about 7 years, and then decided to stay in Austin. In moving around, we found that like a new relationship, each new city has a “honeymoon” phase, where just because it’s new, it seems great. …
3 Easy Meals to Uncover Your Six Pack
They say that abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym – and they’re right. You can have massive, ripped abs, but you’re never going to see them if they’re underneath fat. Now you could go on some intense diet where you have to weigh your meals and count your calories, and you’ll likely…
What it’s Like to Race the Lexus RCF on a F1 Track + 360 Video
Fast cars are a lot of fun, but whenever you take them out on regular roads there’s only so much you can do with them. I like driving fast, but I also like keeping my driving license. That’s why I was so excited when Lexus of Austin gave me the opportunity to spend the day…
26 Life Lessons I Want To Pass on to My Son
Life is full of lessons, some easy, some hard. Many have to be experienced before they can be learned. Even so, I’ve put together 26 life lessons that I hope will help my son as he grows up. Don’t worry about money in your 20’s. Get experience instead, so you can make real money in…