Sponsored by Hush Puppies If there’s one thing I’ve learned you need to be successful with a new business, it’s the ability to do many things. It’s not even the ability to do all of them particularly well, just the willingness to learn them. For example, when I started the business that became MrDelivery.com,…
Life Tips
Good Business Basics are the Key to Success
One of my biggest struggles in business is doing the basics well. I’m not talking about the basics such as managing people effectively, making sure the business is making money, etc.. I’m talking about the repetitive basic tasks unique to each genre of business that are necessary for it to be very successful. For example:…
Top 5 Business Apps for iPhone
There are a ton of fantastic business apps out there, but with everyone building an app these days, it can be time consuming to sort through them. I use a lot of different apps on a daily basis for our businesses, so I’ve created a list of the top 8 business apps I’ve found that…
Why Happiness Is More Important Than Money
We’re trained from a young age that you’re supposed to seek out money. Many of the things I wanted at a young age were possible only with money. I wanted new toys, a nice car when I turned 16, and the “cool” clothes. I grew up thinking that money was the ultimate goal as I…
Why I Decided to Live in Austin, Texas
I live in Austin, Texas, and it’s not by accident. My wife and I lived in 7 different cities in about 7 years, and then decided to stay in Austin. In moving around, we found that like a new relationship, each new city has a “honeymoon” phase, where just because it’s new, it seems great. …